Meet Rav Jericho

Founding rabbi of Temple of the Stranger

Ordained in the lineage of Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Leading teacher of mystical, queer, and feminist Torah

Champion of the Ivri Path

I no longer feel alienated

“Quite simply [Rav Jericho’s] teachings have enabled me to find a way back to a Jewish identity I couldn’t previously own… Thank you so deeply–I no longer feel alienated from my heritage.”

Alison B.

Jericho Vincent headshot, where an old black and white photo of their ancestor can be seen in the background

About Rav Jericho

Founding Rabbi :: Champion of the Ivri Path :: Leading Teacher

A scion of a notable rabbinic ultra-Orthodox family, Rav Jericho was expelled from their community as a teenager for their rebellions and their questions. 

After years learning from Buddhist, Sufi, and atheist teachers, they returned to Judaism on their own terms, excavating lost wisdom from our female, trans, mystical, and queer ancestors. 

A first-generation college student, Rav Jericho earned an undergraduate degree at Brooklyn College as a night-student on a Presidential Scholarship. They hold a masters degree in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School, where they were a Pforzheimer Fellow. They are ordained by the Aleph Ordination Program in the lineage of Reb Zalman Schachter Shalomi. 

Rav Jericho currently serves as an advisor to the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s Clergy Leadership Program and to Beit Kohenet, and as a board member of The Shalom Center. A member of B’not Esh, they are a Wexner Fellow, a member of the ROI: Schusterman Community, and a recent fellow at Atra: The Center for Rabbinic Innovation. Rav Jericho has been named to the Jewish Week’s 36 Under 36 and Forward 50 for their work. 

Rav Jericho is trans nonbinary. They live in North Brooklyn on Lenape land with their partner, Dr. Ben Ash Blum, their two children, and their cats, Ziz and Griffin.

A voice that is so badly needed

“Jericho’s Torah enables me to see myself in our texts and traditions. It is a rare Torah and a voice that is so badly needed for our time. I am grateful to have access to such a teacher.”

Sivan R.

R’ Jericho In The Press

Immeasurable and profound

“I am a queer nonbinary professional coach to rabbis and other clergy. [Rav Jericho’s] lens on Torah has helped not just my connection to Judaism and my community’s, but my ability to serve my clients, and by extension their congregations and communities. The reach of [Rav Jericho’s] work– into my heart and into the world– is immeasurable and profound.”

Bonz S.

R’ Jericho’s Published Writings

It’s time to go back to love. Back to healing, back to joy.

It’s time to awaken to the truth of who we’ve been all along.